Monday 4 April 2016

Durian Fruit Benefits For Health and Beauty

                                               " Durian Fruit Benefits For Health and Beauty"


Durian Fruit Benefits For Health and Beauty. Who does not know durian. Fruit dubbed king of fruit has a sharp and prickly skin has a distinctive aroma stinging much preferred people, although some people also do not like this one fruit. Durian flesh tastes sweet, tasty, and also legit. Texture of the flesh is soft and creamy. 
Durian fruit contains many nutrients that are good for health and beauty skin. This is because the durian fruit contains vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Protein, fiber, and carbohydrates.

 Durian Fruit Benefitstreating InsomniaFor those of you who often suffer from insomnia, you dpat overcome by eating durian. Durian fruit contains tryptophan which is useful for calming the mind and body.Strengthen bones and teethDurian fruit contains vitamins B1, B2, and calcium levels are high. Such compounds memeperkuat bones and teeth, and of course, maintaining healthy bones and teeth.Controlling Blood Sugar BalanceDurian fruit contains manganese which serves to control blood sugar balance in the body so that the blood sugar levels to normal.treating DepressionDurian contains vitamin B-6 who are able to produce serotonin that are useful for warding off depression. Thus, the durian fruit can be a cure depression naturally.

 treating AnemiaThe content of folate, copper, and iron in durian can overcome the disease kekuranagn body dlaam blood (anemia). For those patients with anemia, you can consume the fruit as a natural remedy anemia.Reduce Cancer RiskDurian fruit contains many vitamins are a source of antioxidants to destroy free radicals. Diektahui where free radicals are one of the causes of cancer.Keeping Moisture and FirmnessDurian fruit contains flavonoids that are able to regenerate dead skin cells so that your skin can be maintained moisture and firmness. You can make durian flesh is yellow and mature as a base material mask your face before bed. Use a mask durian 2-3 times a week to get healthy and awake skin firmness.Skin LighteningClear skin is the dream of many women in Indonesia. And fruits that can help brighten the skin is durian. This is because Vitamin C can serve to brighten the skin.

 And in durian contains vitamin C.Prevent AgingPremature aging caused by three factors, namely ekstensic aging, intrinsic aging and hormonal aging. Durian fruit can prevent aging ekstensic factor. Besides the durian fruit is also able to prevent the impact of three factors.Preventing and Eliminating AcneAntioxidants contained in durian fruit can fight acne bacteria pimple. If you routinely perform maintenance with basic materials durian eating acne problems will be addressed immediately. 

Smooth SkinThe content of vitamin E on durian serves to smooth rough skin. And the result will make the skin smooth and soft.Disguise Dark SpotBlack stain on the face will be resolved with treatment using durian fruit. How to use durian fruit for skin care is by mixing yellow durian and ripe who have been separated from the seeds with 2 tablespoons of honey. Make the mixture as a mask That face benefits and efficacy of durian fruit for health and beauty

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