Monday 4 April 2016

basic skateboard

"basic skateboard"



Trick-Trick Basics Learn Skateboarding It Biar So Pro-SkaterSPORTTAINMENT - Posted by on 2015-09-17Happy Skateboard World, Loopers! On June 21, defined as the Day Skateboard World as well as a form of promotion awards for athletes world skateboarding. Could've skateboarding yet, Loopers? Hemm, if only ride a skateboard heck easy. What about basic skateboard tricks? Could've yet? Or perhaps you've never heard even the names of the trick? Hemm, mending deh ye see this one, all kinds of basic skateboard trick though arguably jocks skateboard.

OllieOllie is the simplest tricks that must be mastered by the skaters. Without mastering Ollie, do not expect you to do other tricks like a kickflip, Heelflip, and pop-shove. Ollie is lifting a skate board with one foot stomp to the end of the board until the board was lifted and followed by the other foot so that a leap as high. Ollie record highs to currently held by Jose Marabotto of Peru with a leap reached 1.27 meters high.source: Braille Skateboarding

kickflipKickflip is a continuation of Ollie trick. This trick starts with a jump using tricks Ollie skater. Then proceed with the kick board skate when he was in the air up to 360 degrees, and returned to the mainland to the starting position.source: Braille Skateboarding

HeelflipThe technique is similar to the technique kickflip. The difference is round skate board using the heel, not feet. This will result in a round board that rotates upside towards skaters.source: Braille Skateboarding

Indy GrabThis trick where skaters holding skate board on the side of the central part of the board, right between her legs. This trick is done when the skaters have done Ollie, so that skaters would seem to drift with skate board still attached to his leg. This trick itself became popular among skaters since the 1970s.source:

Airwalk grabSkaters grabbed the front end of the board while in the air followed by a kick to lift the front end of the board. The main purpose of this trick is the perfect stop to use both feet with the board in the hands. This trick itself is a creation of Tony Hawk in 1983.source: RIDE Channel

manualIf one trick is the key to the balance between front and rear legs. Skaters must strive to raise the front of the sled with skate boards are still gliding along the way. The hind legs hold to keep riding a skate board, then the front legs to balance the sled.source: BOARDWORLD

Are gone can not have these basic techniques, Loopers? The key is to exercise continuous and unyielding. Excitement Loopers

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