Monday 4 April 2016

benefits of watermelon for us

benefits of watermelon for us

The benefits of watermelon is a fruit pineapple to prevent asthma. The fruit is not cure asthma but just prevent to stage symptoms or respiratory illness that could be asthma. The content of vitamin C in watermelon are effectively able to boost immunity so as to prevent interference pernafasan.Semangka is a type of fruit that most types of watery flesh colored red.

The fruit is very suitable in the current consumption in the air was very hot or during the day are quite hot. This is because, almost 90 percent of the content of the watermelon consists of water. The fruit is easy to get in traditional markets as well as in more modern markets. Most of us would like to consume the juicy fruit. However, in addition to substitute for relieving thirst, innumerable health benefits of watermelon for your body. So, what are the amazing benefits of watermelon for the health of the body ... ???

Friend, health tips. The red color in watermelon indicates that this fruit contains a variety of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, potassium, beta-carotene, vitamin C and fiber needed by the body. Therefore, begin providing watermelon as one of the desserts on each of your daily menu. The content of various nutris and vitamin abundant in watermelon helps preserve and maintain the health of each person's body. Health tips this time will reveal the benefits of watermelon that you may not know.

 Here are the benefits of watermelon for your health: Heart Healthier. Watermelon is a source of lycopene. Lycopene contained in watermelon fruit is essential for maintaining the health of the heart organ you have. Healthier eyes. This is because, these fruits contain beta-carotene which will be converted in the body into vitamin A. Vitamin A is a vitamin that will nourish your organs of sight. Boost the Immune System. Watermelon is also a source of vitamin c. Vitamin C has a function to help improve the body's immune system. So the body will not easily hurt when the weather is less good or very extreme. Protection From Free Radicals. Various smoke from factories, motor vehicle fumes and dirty air is inhaled can trigger the influx of free radicals that can harm your body.

 Watermelon contains carotenoid compounds that can neutralize free radicals that enter into the body of a person. Bone Strengthening the Body. This is because, watermelon is a fruit that is rich in potassium content. Potassium serves to maintain calcium in the body. So that bones and joints will be healthier and stronger all the time. Organ Kidney Healthier. Consuming watermelon will help increase the flow of urine.  

With the smooth flow of urine then it will impact on the health of kidney in the body. The benefits of watermelon is a miracle fruit to prevent asthma. The fruit is not cure asthma but just prevent to stage symptoms or respiratory illness that could be asthma. The content of vitamin C in watermelon are effectively able to boost immunity so as to prevent respiratory problems. Similarly, little information about the health benefits of watermelon for you,

 may be useful for those of you who do not know this information

1 comment:

  1. This is the most refreshing that anyone can have in their diet. You can also checkout the Pure Goji Berry Juice to maintain good health as having them in regular diet can help you to maintain good health for longer hours.
