Wednesday 13 April 2016

resep makanan keluarga

anak anda suka hotdog??bikin aja sendiri nich berikut resep dan cara membuat
roti dengan isian komplit dengan lebih bersih dan lengkap isinya,tambahkan sayuran agar nutrisi nya lengkap


Saturday 9 April 2016

Aneka resep makanan

berbagai resep makanan akan saya bagikan d blog ini semoga bisa bermanfaat buat ibu ibu yang hobi memasak untuk suami tercinta dan keluarga,berikut ada beberapa resep makanan dan cara membuat nya,

Aneka resep makanan

Friday 8 April 2016

Resep jagung bola ayam wortel

resep membuat masakan sup jagung bola ayam sangatlah mudah dan berikut ini adalah  cara membuat pertama tama siapkan bahan dan resep apa saja yang harus di siapkan oleh anda:

Tuesday 5 April 2016

tips resep masak ayam


  • resep ayam bumbu pedas
    1.beberapa paha ayam
    2.1 sdt air jewruk nipis
    3.1/4 sdt garam bumbu halus
    4.50 gram cabe merah
    5.4 siung bawah
    6.2 siung bawang putih
    7.1/2 terasi
    8.1/2 jahe
    9.2 butir kemiri
    10.1 sdt garam
    11.2 buah tomat
    12.2 sdm kecap manis
    13.1 sdt gula merah
    14.350ml air

    cara membuat:

     step 1:cuci bersih ayam,lalu lumuri dengan garam

    step 2:goreng ayam setengah matang lalu tiriskan

    step 3:tumis bumbu hingga wangi

    step4:masukan ayam goreng aduk hingga tara

    step5:tuangkan air,tomat,kecap dan gula merah.aduk seseskali hingga rata dan kuah mengental

    step6:angkat ayam dan sajikan selagi hangat

    hidangan ayam yang satu ini bisa membuat penikmat masakan pedas ingin terus menikmati masakan ini.enak di makan selagi hangat dengan nasi tentu nya..hehehee

    • resep ayam kari dengan d campur kentang

      resep kari ayam pasti akan terasa sangat spesial dengan bumbu yang pas dan campuran kentang,rasanya pasti enakselamat mencoba d rumah dan nikmati kelezatan nya


      1.1 ekor ayam d potong jadi 9 bagian

      2.1 buah kentang cuci d potong rapi

      3.2 siung nbawah putih d cincang halus

      4.3 buah cabai rawit, haluskan

      5.5 butir cengkeh

      6.5cm kayu manis

      7.2 cm jahe

      8.3 butir kapulaga

      9.2sdt garam

      10.2sdt gula pasir

      11.1/4sdt adas manis tumbuh

      12.1/2sdm ketumbar bubuk

      13.1/2sdt kunyit bubuk

      14.1/2sdt merica bubuk

      15.1/2sdt cabai bubuk

      16.1/2sdt kari bubuk

      17.500ml santan

      18. minyak  goreng secukup nya

       cara membuat

Monday 4 April 2016

8 Women Preferred Attitude Me

model hape samsung terbaru

model hape samsung terbaru,Seiring perkembangan zaman kemajuan teknologi pun semakin pesat dan perusahaan berkembang dari tahun ke tahun sehinga banyak menciptakaan model samsung  terbaru seperti sekarang dengan banyaknya model atau varian Samsung yang bersistem operasi Android anda tidak perlu khawatir jika ingin memiliki hape android yang terjangkau tetapi sudah memiliki spesifikasi yang bagus

Hape Samsungg terbaru  untuk semua samsung galaxy series dipasaran saat ini. Terus menunjukkan kiprahnya di dunia teknologi, Samsung selalu menghadirkan berbagai macam smartphone untuk seluruh pengguna setianya.
Meskipun vendor asal Cina coba meramaikan persaingan namun Samsung tetap menjadi pilihan utama bagi pengguna yang telah cocok dengan produk asal negeri Ginseng ini.

Tahun 2015, kembali vendor asal korea ini menghadirkan varia terbaru Samsung Galaxy S6 dan Galaxy S6 Edge. Dengan desain bodi yang mewah dan elegan, diyakini produk terbaru ini akan menjadi saingan bagi iPhone 6 dari Apple. Untuk lebih jelasnya bisa Anda lihat pada tabel harga hp yang telah kami sajikan mulai dari harga baru dan second (bekas) dipasaran hrg hape samsung sangat bervariasi dari harga termurah sampai yang mahal, berikut ini adalah harga hape samsung

model dan harga samsung terbaru

Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge
Keluaran Feb 2016
harga Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge
Samsung Galaxy S7
Keluaran Feb 2016
harga Samsung Galaxy S7
Samsung Galaxy A7 (2016)
Keluaran Des 2015
harga Samsung Galaxy A7 (2016)
Harga: Rp.6.399.000
Samsung Galaxy A5 (2016)
Keluaran Des 2015
Harga Samsung Galaxy A5 2016
Harga: Rp.5.399.000
Samsung Galaxy A3 (2016)
Keluaran Des 2015
Harga samsung galaxy a3 2016
Samsung Galaxy J1 Ace J110M
Keluaran Oktober 2015
Harga HP Samsung Galaxy J1 Ace J110M terbaru
Harga: Rp.1.450.000
Samsung Galaxy J2
Keluaran September 2015
harga Samsung Galaxy J2 terbaru
Harga: Rp.1.800.000
Samsung Galaxy A8 Duos
Keluaran Agust 2015
harga Samsung Galaxy A8 Duos
Samsung Galaxy Note 5 SM Duos 32GB
Keluaran Agust 2015
Harga Samsung Galaxy Note 5 terbaru
Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus 64 GB
Keluaran Agust 2015
Harga Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus terbaru
Harga: Rp.11.000.000
Samsung Galaxy Note 5 SM-N920V-64 GB
Keluaran Agustus 2015
harga Samsung Galaxy Note 5 SM-N920V-64 GB
Samsung Galaxy A8 32GB
Keluaran Juli 2015
harga hp Samsung Galaxy A8 32GB terbaru
Samsung Galaxy A8 16GB
Keluaran Juli 2015
Harga HP Samsung Galaxy A8 16GB terbaru
Samsung Galaxy V Plus
Keluaran Juli 2015
harga HP Samsung Galaxy V Plus terbaru
Bekas: Rp.600.000
Samsung Galaxy S6 Active
Keluaran Juni 2015
harga Samsung Galaxy S6 Active terbaru
Samsung Galaxy
Gran Prime VE SM-G531
Keluaran Juni 2015
harga HP Samsung Galaxy Gran Prime VE SM-G531 terbaru
Samsung Galaxy J5
Keluaran Juni 2015
harga HP Samsung Galaxy J5 terbaru
8GB: Rp.1.900.000
Samsung Galaxy J7
Keluaran Juni 2015
harga HP Samsung Galaxy J7 terbaru
Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge 32GB SM-G925F
harga HP Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge 32GB SM-G925F terbaru
Samsung Galaxy
XCover 3
Harga HP Samsung Galaxy XCover 3 terbaru 2015
Samsung Galaxy Grand Max
Harga Samsung Galaxy Grand Max terbaru 2015
Samsung Galaxy S6 32GB SM-G920F
Harga HP Samsung Galaxy S6 terbaru 2015
Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge 64GB SM-G925F
Harga HP Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge terbaru 2015
Samsung Galaxy Grand Neo Plus
Harga Samsung Galaxy Grand Neo Plus terbaru 2015
Samsung Galaxy Ace 4
Harga Samsung Galaxy Ace 4 terbaru 2015
Samsung Galaxy J1 4G
Harga HP Samsung Galaxy J1 J100H terbaru 2015
Samsung Galaxy E5
Harga HP Samsung Galaxy E5 terbaru 2015
Bekas: Rp.2.400.000
Samsung Galaxy Note Edge
Harga HP Samsung Galaxy Note Edge Terbaru 2015
Samsung Galaxy E7
Harga HP Samsung Galaxy E7 terbaru 2015
Samsung Galaxy A7
Harga HP Samsung Galaxy A7 terbaru 2015
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Duos
Harga HP Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Duos terbaru 2015
Samsung Galaxy A5
Harga HP Samsung Galaxy A5 terbaru 2015
Samsung Galaxy A3
Harga HP Bekas:Rp.4.100.000 Samsung Galaxy A3 terbaru 2015
Samsung Galaxy Core Prime
Harga HP Samsung Galaxy Core Prime terbaru 2015
Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime
Harga HP Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime terbaru 2015
Samsung Galaxy Note 4
Harga HP Samsung Galaxy Note 4 terbaru 2015
Samsung Galaxy Alpha
Harga HP Samsung Galaxy Alpha terbaru 2015
Samsung Galaxy Mega 2
Samsung Galaxy Mega 2 Terbaru 2015
Samsung Galaxy Young 2
Harga HP Samsung Galaxy Young 2 terbaru 2015

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Durian Fruit Benefits For Health and Beauty

                                               " Durian Fruit Benefits For Health and Beauty"


Durian Fruit Benefits For Health and Beauty. Who does not know durian. Fruit dubbed king of fruit has a sharp and prickly skin has a distinctive aroma stinging much preferred people, although some people also do not like this one fruit. Durian flesh tastes sweet, tasty, and also legit. Texture of the flesh is soft and creamy. 
Durian fruit contains many nutrients that are good for health and beauty skin. This is because the durian fruit contains vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Protein, fiber, and carbohydrates.

 Durian Fruit Benefitstreating InsomniaFor those of you who often suffer from insomnia, you dpat overcome by eating durian. Durian fruit contains tryptophan which is useful for calming the mind and body.Strengthen bones and teethDurian fruit contains vitamins B1, B2, and calcium levels are high. Such compounds memeperkuat bones and teeth, and of course, maintaining healthy bones and teeth.Controlling Blood Sugar BalanceDurian fruit contains manganese which serves to control blood sugar balance in the body so that the blood sugar levels to normal.treating DepressionDurian contains vitamin B-6 who are able to produce serotonin that are useful for warding off depression. Thus, the durian fruit can be a cure depression naturally.

 treating AnemiaThe content of folate, copper, and iron in durian can overcome the disease kekuranagn body dlaam blood (anemia). For those patients with anemia, you can consume the fruit as a natural remedy anemia.Reduce Cancer RiskDurian fruit contains many vitamins are a source of antioxidants to destroy free radicals. Diektahui where free radicals are one of the causes of cancer.Keeping Moisture and FirmnessDurian fruit contains flavonoids that are able to regenerate dead skin cells so that your skin can be maintained moisture and firmness. You can make durian flesh is yellow and mature as a base material mask your face before bed. Use a mask durian 2-3 times a week to get healthy and awake skin firmness.Skin LighteningClear skin is the dream of many women in Indonesia. And fruits that can help brighten the skin is durian. This is because Vitamin C can serve to brighten the skin.

 And in durian contains vitamin C.Prevent AgingPremature aging caused by three factors, namely ekstensic aging, intrinsic aging and hormonal aging. Durian fruit can prevent aging ekstensic factor. Besides the durian fruit is also able to prevent the impact of three factors.Preventing and Eliminating AcneAntioxidants contained in durian fruit can fight acne bacteria pimple. If you routinely perform maintenance with basic materials durian eating acne problems will be addressed immediately. 

Smooth SkinThe content of vitamin E on durian serves to smooth rough skin. And the result will make the skin smooth and soft.Disguise Dark SpotBlack stain on the face will be resolved with treatment using durian fruit. How to use durian fruit for skin care is by mixing yellow durian and ripe who have been separated from the seeds with 2 tablespoons of honey. Make the mixture as a mask That face benefits and efficacy of durian fruit for health and beauty

thank you've read this article

benefits of watermelon for us

benefits of watermelon for us

The benefits of watermelon is a fruit pineapple to prevent asthma. The fruit is not cure asthma but just prevent to stage symptoms or respiratory illness that could be asthma. The content of vitamin C in watermelon are effectively able to boost immunity so as to prevent interference pernafasan.Semangka is a type of fruit that most types of watery flesh colored red.

The fruit is very suitable in the current consumption in the air was very hot or during the day are quite hot. This is because, almost 90 percent of the content of the watermelon consists of water. The fruit is easy to get in traditional markets as well as in more modern markets. Most of us would like to consume the juicy fruit. However, in addition to substitute for relieving thirst, innumerable health benefits of watermelon for your body. So, what are the amazing benefits of watermelon for the health of the body ... ???

Friend, health tips. The red color in watermelon indicates that this fruit contains a variety of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, potassium, beta-carotene, vitamin C and fiber needed by the body. Therefore, begin providing watermelon as one of the desserts on each of your daily menu. The content of various nutris and vitamin abundant in watermelon helps preserve and maintain the health of each person's body. Health tips this time will reveal the benefits of watermelon that you may not know.

 Here are the benefits of watermelon for your health: Heart Healthier. Watermelon is a source of lycopene. Lycopene contained in watermelon fruit is essential for maintaining the health of the heart organ you have. Healthier eyes. This is because, these fruits contain beta-carotene which will be converted in the body into vitamin A. Vitamin A is a vitamin that will nourish your organs of sight. Boost the Immune System. Watermelon is also a source of vitamin c. Vitamin C has a function to help improve the body's immune system. So the body will not easily hurt when the weather is less good or very extreme. Protection From Free Radicals. Various smoke from factories, motor vehicle fumes and dirty air is inhaled can trigger the influx of free radicals that can harm your body.

 Watermelon contains carotenoid compounds that can neutralize free radicals that enter into the body of a person. Bone Strengthening the Body. This is because, watermelon is a fruit that is rich in potassium content. Potassium serves to maintain calcium in the body. So that bones and joints will be healthier and stronger all the time. Organ Kidney Healthier. Consuming watermelon will help increase the flow of urine.  

With the smooth flow of urine then it will impact on the health of kidney in the body. The benefits of watermelon is a miracle fruit to prevent asthma. The fruit is not cure asthma but just prevent to stage symptoms or respiratory illness that could be asthma. The content of vitamin C in watermelon are effectively able to boost immunity so as to prevent respiratory problems. Similarly, little information about the health benefits of watermelon for you,

 may be useful for those of you who do not know this information

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sejarah cincin kawin

sejarah cincin kawin